About Us
We're the open-admission animal services agency for the unincorporated areas of San Diego County. We exist to protect the health, safety, and welfare of people and animals. We take in nearly 10,000 lost, homeless, and abandoned animals each year and we need your help to save lives!
- are the County of San Diego Department of Animal Services.
enforce local and
state laws.
- investigate animal law violations from minor code infractions to felony animal cruelty cases.
- provide owner education when appropriate.
- investigate and work with prosecutors on serious animal-related crimes.
- rescue animals that are stray, sick or injured.
- rescue animals that are endangered by floods, fires or other situations.
- provide shelter for animals in need.
- provide veterinary care and adoption services for animals in our care.
- issue dog licenses.
- serve the unincorporated areas of San Diego County.
There are two County Animal Services shelters
There are other animal shelters in our area
There are other animal services agencies in our region

Animal-related emergencies should be reported to our emergency dispatch line any time of the day or night.
24/7 Emergency Line 619-236-2341
For other matters, please call our business number, Tuesday
through Sunday, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Business Phone
If someone’s life is endangered, please call 911.

Our Mission
To protect the health, safety and welfare of people and animals.
Our Vision
To become an animal services organization known for its transparency, and for effectively promoting the humane and responsible care of companion animals, reducing the euthanasia of sheltered animals and for responding to the needs of the community.