Lost & Found
Is your pet missing? After you have searched your neighborhood:
Check San Diego
County Animal Services shelters »
- When a loose or stray comes into one of our shelters we post a picture of it onto this website by the end of that business day.
- Submit a Lost Pet Report via Pawboost. The information you provide to PawBoost is searchable by members of the community who may have found your animal.
- Search Pawboost for found animals located at our Carlsbad shelter and Bonita shelter.
Search our 2 shelters for lost pets

What To Do When Your Pet Is Lost
All county shelters are now offering services
call 619-767-2675 to make an appointment
Contact ALL shelters within 20 miles of where your pet was lost.
- Call the shelter more than once. Your pet may be turned in after you last called or looked online.
Animals unclaimed within the three-day holding period may be made
available for adoption.
- Animals without license tags or microchips are held for three days.
- Injured or diseased animals that are suffering may be held fewer days.
- If we can identify the owner, pets are held for five business days before being placed with adoptable animals.
- Place an ad
in Craigslist, NextDoor.com, local and city-wide news, social media
and online outlets. Include:
- Where the animal was lost with city and street name, closest cross streets
- Estimated date and time the animal was lost
- Color and markings of pet; size or weight; sex; age
- If your pet was microchipped
- Your phone number and/or email
- If you’re offering a reward, state the amount
Learn more about creating flyers, placing ads, and more. Here are posters for your use – download the PDF, print and post: English Lost Pet Poster » | Spanish Lost Pet Poster »

Found your pet at a County Shelter? Here’s how to bring it home:
- Please call 619-767-2675 and speak to a representative to schedule an appointment before visiting the shelter.
- Bring proof of a current rabies vaccination and dog license. If you do not have current proof, your dog may receive a rabies vaccination, if a veterinarian is available, and a license before you leave the shelter.
- If you don't have these, bring some other proof of ownership such as photos or medical records.
- At the shelter, copy the tag number on its neck and the kennel number, then take both numbers to the front counter.
If your pet was injured we will provide life-sustaining and pain-relieving care for it, but you need to follow up with your veterinarian.
- If your pet had medical treatment, a veterinarian or registered veterinary technician may provide additional information.
- Be prepared to pay fees for at least some of the care including food, vaccinations, medical services, impoundment and licensing.
Bring a leash to take your dog home. For other small animals, bring a secure carrier.
- You may buy an inexpensive leash or carrier at the shelter. We accept cash, checks, Visa or MasterCard.
Next Steps
Microchip your pet – they will never lose it. We offer low-cost microchip services. Thousands of pets have been reunited with their owners thanks to microchips.
Get a pet store dog tag. It's an inexpensive way to always have your phone number with your pet.